Orders placed on Seche.com are processed and shipped from our warehouse within 1-3 business days. Orders placed after 12:00 PM PST will be shipped the following business day (business days are Monday through Friday, excluding holidays). Orders placed on Saturday or Sunday will not be processed until the following Monday. Shipments and deliveries only occur on weekdays. Shipping and delivery is subject to change and will be determined at the time of order.
You will get a shipment notification email with a tracking number as soon as your package ships!
Receive free standard shipping with any US order over $35 (before taxes applied). Cannot be combined with some coupons and offers.
We ship to every residential address in the continental U.S., including P.O. boxes, Alaska, and Hawaii. Please note: certain items may be considered hazardous materials (HAZMAT):
The U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) requires ground-only shipment of hazardous materials due to air shipment restrictions and regulations. Therefore, these items cannot be shipped to all addresses, and must be shipped standard ground and cannot be shipped via Expedited method.
While we currently do not offer international shipping, please be sure to sign up to our email list to be notified if this option becomes available. Unfortunately, we do not ship internationally nor do we offer international returns at this time. We truly apologize for any inconvenience.
Transit times are typically 2 to 7 business days within the continental US, & up to 15 days for Alaska and Hawaii.
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